Site Policy
- All Wisconsin Operating Engineer policies shall be in effect whether the training is held in Coloma or an alternate site.
- Students will conduct themselves in a moral and ethical manner at all times, both at the site and in the community after training. The continued support of the community is vital to the ongoing success of the Training Center.
- Smoking and the use of tobacco products will not be allowed in any of the buildings or on the equipment while operating machinery. This includes equipment that does not have cabs.
- Appropriate work clothing is required at the training site in the classroom and in the field. No sweatpants, shorts, pajamas, tank tops or sleeveless shirts are allowed.
- Drugs and alcohol are prohibited on the site. Any student reporting for class under the influence of drugs or alcohol will be immediately dismissed from training.
- Students will be dismissed from a course for a violation of any site policy and will not be eligible for per diem.
- Any vehicle wishing to remain on the site overnight must have prior approval from the Training Director.
- The Training Center office must be notified immediately of any incident resulting in damage to property, equipment or that results in injury of any kind, regardless of size.
- Training materials are property of the Wisconsin Operating Engineers and shall not be distributed to non-members.
- Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, face masks and temperature checks shall be required for members attending training at the training center in an effort to keep all of those in attendance safe.
- Any questions regarding these policies should be discussed with the Training Director.
- All policies are subject to change without notice at the discretion of the Training Director.
Skill Improvement Enrollment Policy
- The Training Center reserves the right to evaluate the performance level of each student and will be placed in skill courses accordingly.
- Applications for training are accepted by Mail, E-Mail, Fax, Internet or Phone.
- Members of IUOE 139 must be in good standing with all union obligations to be eligible to attend training provided by WOE.
- All courses begin promptly at 8:00 a.m. and will dismiss at 4:30 p.m.
- Anyone missing the first day of class without prior notification will be assumed to not be attending the class and they will forfeit their class spot.
- If any course has been filled, the applicants name will be placed on an alternate list. Alternates will be called in the order that they were placed. The first Alternate to respond will be offered the opening.
- Per diem will be paid only for training courses taken at the Joseph J. Goetz Training Center and is not paid for 1, 2 or 3 day courses nor will it be paid for makeup days.
- Only members that have contributions to the Skill Fund of at least 300 hours in the past 3 years are eligible to receive per diem. Per diem checks will be printed after the conclusion of the course and will only be paid for full days of attendance.
Field & Maintenance Policy
- All visitors and students must be accompanied by authorized personnel when in the field or shop area.
- No equipment can be started without authorization from an instructor. Only authorized personnel are allowed to move machines in the shop area.
- Hard hats, work boots & safety vests must be worn at all times while in the field, including while operating equipment.
- Seatbelts must be worn at all times while operating equipment.
- All students and Instructors must wear hearing protection while on or near equipment.
- Eye protection shall be worn at all times in the shop.
- Mechanical problems with any piece of equipment, must be reported immediately to the Instructor.
- Anyone found to be intentionally abusing any equipment on site, will be dismissed.
- The shop is restricted to instructors and authorized students. Shop tours are available on request.
Computer Policy
- It should be noted that computers are an instructional aid and their use is not guaranteed to any employee or student. Therefore, any misuse of a school owned computer could result in the loss of computer privileges and possibly termination of employment or dismissal from training. This includes destroying programs or files, not abiding by copyright or license agreements, altering or modifying hardware or software, and installing viruses. All WOE files are confidential.
- The Training Director reserves the right to monitor and record any activities on the network. Anyone using the network expressly consents to such monitoring and is advised that if such monitoring reveals evidence of misuse, system personnel may act to secure the WOE system and provide such evidence to the appropriate authority.
Harassment Policy
The Wisconsin Operating Engineers Skill Improvement and Apprenticeship Fund, Joseph Goetz Training Site recognizes the right of all employees, trainees and members of Local 139 to work/train in an environment where individual dignity is respected. Harassment of employees, trainees and members by employers, supervisors, instructors, other employees, trainees or members on the training site will not be tolerated. This includes sexual harassment, as well as harassment on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, sexual orientation, age or disability, Sexual harassment includes such conduct as sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature where:- Submission to such advances, requests or conduct is made a condition of employment, training or job status, either explicitly or implicitly; or
- Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment or training decisions affecting such individual; or
- Such conduct has the purpose of effect of unreasonably interfering with an employee’s, trainee or member’s work/training performance because it creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment.
- Epithets, slurs or negative stereotyping;
- Threatening, intimidating or hostile acts;
- Written or graphic material in the workplace/training site that denigrates or displays hostility towards another because of his or her race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, sexual orientation or disability.
Employees, trainees or members who believe that they have been subject to harassment of the type described herein are encouraged to report such conduct to the Training Director immediately. The Wisconsin Operating Engineers will conduct a prompt investigation upon receipt of a complaint and if the complaint is substantiated, will take appropriate remedial action.
In addition, employees or members may file a grievance if he or she believes there has been a violation of the collective bargaining agreement, or may file charges under their local’s constitution and bylaws.
All employees, trainees, and members have the right to file charges of discrimination with the appropriate state and federal anti- discrimination agencies.
State and federal laws require the investigation of claims of harassment on the job or training site. The Wisconsin Operating Engineers will conduct a thorough investigation consistent with its obligation under state and federal law. Efforts will be made to ensure confidentiality, but absolute confidentiality cannot be guaranteed. Confidentiality will be safeguarded to the extent possible consistent with conducting a full investigation and the obligation to protect the rights of all involved.
Retaliation against an employee, trainee or member for reporting a complaint or participating in an investigation is prohibited and constitutes a separate violation of this policy.
As employees, trainees or members, you should also be aware that any individual who violates the Wisconsin Operating Engineers harassment policy may be subject to discipline, up to and including discharge from employment and/or training.
An employee or member who violates this policy may be disciplined consistent with their Local and International Constitution and Bylaws and applicable law.